The roll out of two beautiful new installations signal an exciting start to the Sculpture Down the Lachlan trail expansion.
Forbes Arts Society Chair, Dr Karen Ritchie proudly joined officials and Walcha-based artist Stephen King at Wilbertroy Lane for Tower’s unveiling last month.
This follows the installation of Arhab Bik Bialhabi in October, whose launch will coincide the unveiling of renovations at Albion Park.
The distinctive carved timber Tower unveiled in November is 33 kilometres from Forbes along the Lachlan Valley Way towards Condobolin.
“The tower represents our need control our resources. The water tower has almost been made redundant,” Stephen explains.
“Advances in technology continue to change the way we store and use water.
“The old water towers stand as sculptural relic and reminders of what we leave behind in our attempts to meet the challenges of life on earth.”
A skilled carver, Stephen acquired the Helen Lempriere Scholarship at Sculpture by the Sea and first prize at the 2020 Wollombi Valley Sculpture Festival.
Ayad Alqaragholli sculptured the beautiful bronze Arhab Bik Bialhabi (I Welcome You with Love), installed in October at Albion Park.
The bronze couple symbolises loyalty, love and a sense of belonging.
Sadly, the Western Australian-Iraqi sculptor, now based in Melbourne, couldn’t personally install the piece but hopes to join official celebrations once the Albion Park redevelopment.
To appropriately accommodate the new addition, Forbes Arts Society have teamed up with Forbes Shire Council to renovate Albion Park.
With underground irrigation providing a year-round setting.
“Our team will be upgrading the landscaping within the park and installing an underground irrigation system, to ensure the park looks amazing,” says Forbes Shire Council Mayor, Phyllis Miller.
New bench seating, pathways and upgrades to the toilet block and signage will entice travellers to linger a while, year-round.
“This project is another display of our wonderful volunteers working hard in our community,” Cr Miller added.
Albion Park will house three sculptures in total. Anta Omri will replace The Hunter, set to move to Gum Swamp.
The Hon. Sam Farraway MLC said the new sculptures will be an exciting addition to the thriving community.
“These new art attractions will not only be eye-catching pieces for locals to enjoy, but will entice more visitors to the Lachlan Valley and help to promote it as a premier tourist destination,” Mr Farraway said.
“I thank the NSW Government for their commitment to developing another world-class attraction that tourists can enjoy and locals can take pride in.”
The SDL extension is part of the $7 million ‘Boosting the Lachlan Valley Economy Art Project’ which includes the construction of a new cultural and arts centre on the corner of Lachlan and Church Street (former Forbes & District Ambulance Station) and the Gum Swamp redevelopment.
The ‘Boosting the Lachlan Valley Economy Art Project’ is proudly funded by the NSW Government’s Restart NSW program through the Regional Growth, Environment and Tourism Development Fund, the Forbes Arts Society, Forbes Shire Council, Lachlan Shire Council and Evolution Mining.
The project aims to foster visual arts throughout the Forbes Shire, grow the visitor economy and promote the Lachlan Valley region as a premier tourism destination.